/** * @file * Simple responsification of menus. */ (function ($) { /** * Handle clicks & toggling the menu. */ var toggler_click = function() { $(this).parent().toggleClass('responsive-toggled'); }; /** * Unbind other mouse events on the menu items. * * @todo * Not sure if it works 100%. * Doesn't restore binds when out-of-responsive (if window dragging). */ function remove_mouse_events(menuElement) { // Determine jQuery version and what disable options we have. var jqVersion = $.fn.jquery; if (jqVersion < 1.7) { $(menuElement).die('mouseover mouseout mouseenter mouseleave'); $(menuElement + ' li').die('mouseover mouseout mouseenter mouseleave'); $(menuElement + ' li a').die('mouseover mouseout mouseenter mouseleave'); } else { $(menuElement).off('hover'); $(menuElement + ' li').off('hover'); $(menuElement + ' li a').off('hover'); } $(menuElement).unbind('mouseover mouseout mouseenter mouseleave'); $(menuElement + ' li').unbind('mouseover mouseout mouseenter mouseleave'); $(menuElement + ' li a').unbind('mouseover mouseout mouseenter mouseleave'); } /** * Store classes & IDs for restoring later (if window dragging). */ function store_classes_ids(menuElement) { if (!$(menuElement).attr('id')) { $(menuElement).attr('id', 'rm-no-id-main'); } if (!$(menuElement).attr('class')) { $(menuElement).attr('class', 'rm-no-class'); } $(menuElement).data('removeattr', true) .data('rmids', $(menuElement).attr('id')) .data('rmclasses', $(menuElement).attr('class')); // Handle ULs if selector is parent div. var incr = 0; $(menuElement).find('ul').each(function() { incr++; // Prevent error if there is no id. if (!$(this).attr('id')) { $(this).attr('id', 'rm-no-id-' + incr); } // Prevent error if there is no class. if (!$(this).attr('class')) { $(this).attr('class', 'rm-no-class'); } $(this).data('removeattr', true) .data('rmids', $(this).attr('id')) .data('rmclasses', $(this).attr('class')); }); // Finally, add our class to the parent. $(menuElement).addClass('responsive-menus-simple'); } /** * Remove classes & IDs from original menu for easier theming. */ function remove_classes_ids(menuElement) { // Handle ULs if selector is parent div. $(menuElement).find('ul').each(function() { $(this).attr('class', 'rm-removed').attr('id', 'rm-removed'); }); // Remove classes/IDs. $(menuElement).attr('class', 'responsive-menus-simple').attr('id', 'rm-removed'); } // Iterate through selectors, check window sizes, add some classes. Drupal.behaviors.responsive_menus = { attach: function (context, settings) { settings.responsive_menus = settings.responsive_menus || {}; $('body').once('responsive-menus-load', function() { // Only doing this themes that don't include a viewport attribute. // e.g. Bartik for testing out-of-the-box... yeah, stupid. if (!$('meta[name=viewport]').length > 0) { $('head').append(''); } // Window width with legacy browsers. var windowWidth = window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.clientWidth; $.each(settings.responsive_menus, function(ind, iteration) { if (iteration.responsive_menus_style != 'responsive_menus_simple') { return true; } if (!iteration.selectors.length) { return true; } var $media_unit = iteration.media_unit || 'px'; if ($media_unit === 'em') { var $base_font_size = parseFloat($('body').css('font-size')); var $media_size = iteration.media_size * $base_font_size || 768; } else { var $media_size = iteration.media_size || 768; } // Handle clicks & toggling. var toggler_class = ''; var toggler_text = iteration.toggler_text; // Iterate through our selectors. $.each(iteration.selectors, function(index, value) { // Stop if there is no menu element. if ($(value).length < 1) { return true; } // Handle nested menus. Make sure we get the first, but not children. if ($(value).length > 1) { $(value).each(function(val_index) { if (!$(this).parents('ul').length) { if (!$(this).hasClass('responsive-menus-simple')) { toggler_class = 'responsive-menus-' + ind + '-' + index + '-' + val_index; // Store classes & IDs before removing. if (iteration.remove_attributes) { store_classes_ids(this); } $(this).wrap('
'); $('.' + toggler_class).prepend('' + toggler_text + ''); $('.' + toggler_class + ' .toggler').bind('click', toggler_click); // Unbind other mouse events. if (iteration.disable_mouse_events) { //$(this).data('disablemouse', true); remove_mouse_events(this); } // Use absolute positioning. if (iteration.absolute) { $('.' + toggler_class).addClass('absolute'); } // Handle first size check. if (windowWidth <= $media_size) { // Remove attributes setting. if (iteration.remove_attributes) { remove_classes_ids(this); } $('.' + toggler_class).addClass('responsified'); } } } }); } else { // Single level menus. if (!$(value).hasClass('responsive-menus-simple')) { toggler_class = 'responsive-menus-' + ind + '-' + index; // Store classes & IDs before removing. if (iteration.remove_attributes) { store_classes_ids(value); } $(value).wrap(''); $('.' + toggler_class).prepend('' + toggler_text + ''); $('.' + toggler_class + ' .toggler').bind('click', toggler_click); // Unbind other mouse events. if (iteration.disable_mouse_events) { // @todo For rebinding mouse events. /*if ($(value + ' li a').data('events')) { $(value).data('tmpevents', $(value + ' li a').data('events')); }*/ remove_mouse_events(value); } // Use absolute positioning. if (iteration.absolute) { $('.' + toggler_class).addClass('absolute'); } // Handle first size check. if (windowWidth <= $media_size) { // Remove attributes setting. if (iteration.remove_attributes) { remove_classes_ids(value); } $('.' + toggler_class).addClass('responsified'); } } } }); }); // Handle window resizing. $(window).resize(function() { // Window width with legacy browsers. windowWidth = window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.clientWidth; $('.responsive-menus').each(function(menuIndex, menuValue) { var mediasize = $(this).data('mediasize') || 768; // Prevent menu from going off the screen. This only happens in // non-responsive themes (like Bartik default), but it looks bad. if ($(this).width() > windowWidth) { $(this).data('nonresponsive', true); $(this).width(windowWidth); } var menuElement = $(this).find('.responsive-menus-simple'); if (windowWidth >= mediasize) { if (menuElement.data('removeattr')) { menuElement.addClass(menuElement.data('rmclasses')); menuElement.attr('id', menuElement.data('rmids')); menuElement.find('ul').each(function() { $(this).addClass($(this).data('rmclasses')); $(this).attr('id', $(this).data('rmids')); }); } $(this).removeClass('responsified'); } if (windowWidth <= mediasize) { // Now fix repercussions for handling non-responsive themes above. // Stretch width back out w/ the screen. if ($(this).data('nonresponsive') && $(this).width() < windowWidth) { $(this).width(windowWidth); } if (menuElement.data('removeattr')) { remove_classes_ids(menuElement); } $(this).addClass('responsified'); } }); }); }); } }; }(jQuery));